Latest Episodes
Your Sanctification Is Not for You
What is the purpose of your sanctification? Who is it for? (Hint: It's not for you.) We survey a number of passages from the...
The Birthplace of Bad Theology
Where does all bad theology come from? From our perspective, it comes from a loss of the church's one foundation--that is, Jesus Christ and...
Should you regularly be questioning your salvation? What about self-examination? When and how should you do that? The guys answer these questions and consider...
What Is-and Is Not-the Gospel?
There are a number of things discussed in the church as though they are part of the gospel--things like faith, repentance, obedience, and surrendering...
Is Christ-Centered Preaching Dangerous?
Jon and Justin discuss an article entitled, “4 Ways Bad Biblical Theology Warps Sermons.” Is Christ-centered, redemptive-historical preaching dangerous? Is it unhelpful? Does it...
Leaving Pietism
At Theocast, we talk a lot about pietism. What is it? What is the difference in piety and pietism? How does pietism affect us?...