A Critique of Lordship Salvation

July 14, 2021 NaN
A Critique of Lordship Salvation
A Critique of Lordship Salvation

Jul 14 2021 | NaN


Hosted By

Jon Moffitt Justin Perdue

Show Notes

We have gotten a number of questions regarding Lordship Salvation and the historic, reformed position on it. So, today, that is what Jon and Justin talk about. We talk about concerns over the definition of faith, the collapsing of law and gospel, and confusion on the uses of the law. We interact with John MacArthur's book, "The Gospel According to Jesus," as well as Michael Horton's "Christ the Lord."

Semper Reformanda: The guys talk more on uses of the law--and how confusing the first and third use of the law is particularly damaging. Justin also offers thoughts on how some Puritan theology is unhelpful.

Podcast: Law/Gospel
Podcast: Are You a Legalist or an Antinomian
FREE EBOOK: Safe in Christ - A primer on rest

Giveaway: "Christ the Lord" by Michael Horton

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