For God So Hated the World

August 11, 2021 00:47:53
For God So Hated the World
For God So Hated the World

Aug 11 2021 | 00:47:53


Hosted By

Jon Moffitt Justin Perdue

Show Notes

Listening to many preachers and teachers, it sounds like God, deep down, hates the world. Yes, he sent his Son to save sinners, but he does that only for his own glory--and even then, reluctantly. Jesus, too, really didn't care for sinners. He came holding his nose and was really on earth to rebuke everyone. This presentation of God has produced a lot of fear, or perhaps even hatred of him. But, the question is, is this presentation biblical? Jon and Justin consider that on this episode.

Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin talk about adoption--how God has brought us into his own family through the blood of his Son. We now call God, "Father." The guys also get into some law/gospel stuff and a biblical understanding of God's holiness.

Giveaway: "The Bruised Reed" by Richard Sibbes

Scripture References:
John 2:13-17
Mark 2:23-27
Luke 6:6-11
Luke 13:1-5
Mark 7:1-23
Luke 18:18-27
Luke 15
Matthew 9:12-13
Matthew 11:28-30
Matthew 12:18-21
John 10:14-18
John 14:1-3
John 17:24
Luke 12:32
Luke 7:36-50
Romans 8:15
1 John 3:1


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