When the Faithful Falter

July 28, 2021 00:42:32
When the Faithful Falter
When the Faithful Falter

Jul 28 2021 | 00:42:32


Hosted By

Jon Moffitt Justin Perdue

Show Notes

Often in Scripture, the faithful falter. For example, Abraham is called "the man of faith" by Paul, and he is upheld as the model of justification by faith in all of the Bible. Yet, he sold his wife into defilement and adultery--twice. Or, consider the disciples. In the aftermath of Jesus' death and resurrection, they are hiding together in a room, terrified. What do we make of these things?

Semper Reformanda: The guys talk about preaching the Old Testament--and in particular, preaching on the lives of Old Testament saints. What are better and worse ways to do that? What are some common objections raised against redemptive-historical preaching?

Scripture references:
Genesis 12:10-20
John 20:19-23

Justin's sermon: Faith, Fear, and God’s Faithfulness | Genesis 12:10-14:24
Jon's sermon: John 20:19-23 – When Jesus Says “Peace”

Giveaway: "Night Driving" by Chad Bird

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