At multiple points, Paul writes that he is not ashamed of the gospel. Why did he need to write that? What is it about the gospel that could bring shame on someone who preaches it--or believes it? The gospel offends us in our self-righteousness. That’s clear. It also offends us in our licentiousness. The truth of our union with Christ and liberation from sin’s dominion can fly in the face of the desires of our flesh. In all of this, the Lord has us and will complete the good work he has begun in us! Jon and Justin talk about all of this on today’s episode.
Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin consider how we will bear reproach for the sake of Christ and the gospel. This is the normative experience of Christians.
People make various diagnoses of what ails the church today. To some, it's a loss of a commitment to moral and social values. To...
In this episode, we discuss the darkness that resides in all of us. Should we be surprised when Christians sin--and sin heinously? What do...
In our second ever live event, Jon and Justin talk primarily about sola fide--some of the old and new confusion around it. How do...