In today’s episode, Jon and Justin consider how our own righteousness only leads to death. In Romans 5:12-21, Paul makes it clear that we have all been counted with Adam’s guilt--and that the only hope we have is that we would be counted with Christ’s righteousness. By faith, Jesus becomes our representative. This is great news! We have gained more in Jesus than we lost in Adam. This is the message of the entire Bible.
Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin discuss the imputed righteousness of Christ and what that means for our good works. How do imputed righteousness and our obedience go together?
In this episode, we interview our friend, Daniel Emery Price about creedal Christianity. If you were to ask many in the church what Christians...
People make various diagnoses of what ails the church today. To some, it's a loss of a commitment to moral and social values. To...
The distinction between law and gospel is one of the most important topics covered at Theocast, as it lies at the heart of resting...