A Reformed Response to Theonomy

May 17, 2023 00:49:43
A Reformed Response to Theonomy
A Reformed Response to Theonomy

May 17 2023 | 00:49:43


Hosted By

Jon Moffitt Justin Perdue

Show Notes

In the first of two episodes on theonomy, Jon and Justin seek to generally define theonomy and then respond to it theologically. The guys consider a confessional understanding of the threefold division of the law, the distinction between moral and positive law, and 1689 Federalism as safeguards against theonomy.

Note: Semper Reformanda is included in today’s episode.


1689 Baptist Perspective: Confessionalism and Theonomy

Why is Theonomy Unbiblical?

Is the Law Relevant Today?

Covenant Theology: Introduction & Overview

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