In our third of three episodes on the implications of covenant theology, Jon and Justin discuss the significance of the covenant of works as it relates to the work of Christ. When we begin to see the relationship between the covenant of works and the work of Christ in our place, it becomes clear how are more than just forgiven through our union with Jesus by faith. We are declared righteous. We have peace with God now and forever. It really is finished. All really is well.
Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin talk about the fallout produced by a denial of the covenant of works. The guys discuss final/future justification as a part of that and then conclude with some thoughts on the sufficiency of Christ to save sinners.
Our series on covenant theology
Our episode on Final Justification by Mark Jones
Jon's covenant theology series: Part One Part Two
At Theocast, we get as many questions about 1 John as we do any book in the Bible. It is often a book that...
What is the difference between godliness and legalism? Sometimes, when people define godliness, they actually describe legalism or even pietism. Understanding this distinction is...
Is your faith genuine? We all struggle. We all wrestle. We all doubt. That's part of what it means to be fallen, but this...