The Bible Is Not an Instruction Manual (Covenant Theology #2)

October 20, 2021 00:46:19
The Bible Is Not an Instruction Manual (Covenant Theology #2)
The Bible Is Not an Instruction Manual (Covenant Theology #2)

Oct 20 2021 | 00:46:19


Hosted By

Jon Moffitt Justin Perdue

Show Notes

In our second of two episodes on the implications of covenant theology, Jon and Justin consider the purpose and point of the whole Bible. It's not an instruction manual. It's not a step-by-step guide to godliness. It's not a medicine cabinet to cure everything that ails us. Rather, the Bible is about redemption. It's about Jesus. The guys unpack the implications of that and consider how to go to the Bible, how to use it, and how to understand it.

Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin talk about the relationship between covenant theology and redemptive-historical theology (hint: they're the same). After that, we take a deeper dive into covenant theology. In particular, we discuss the tri-covenantal framework of redemption, works, and grace.

FREE Ebook:
Our series on covenant theology
Sacred Bond: Covenant Theology Explored Second Edition
"The Mystery of Christ, His Covenant, & His Kingdom" by Samuel Renihan

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