A Guide to Deconstructing

November 03, 2021 00:52:05
A Guide to Deconstructing
A Guide to Deconstructing

Nov 03 2021 | 00:52:05


Hosted By

Jon Moffitt Justin Perdue

Show Notes

There seem to be a number of people "deconstructing" these days--and by that we mean deconstructing the Christian faith and leaving it. At Theocast, we are not unfamiliar with deconstruction. We do some deconstructing of unhelpful theology in an effort to pull people toward the sufficiency of Christ for sinners. On this episode, Jon and Justin make observations about the "Christianity" people are leaving, as well as offer thoughts on how to do deconstructing well.

Semper Reformanda: The guys continue the conversation on deconstructing by speaking more to those in a confessional environment about the dangers of always having to be against something. Ultimately, we need to remember that the goal of everything we do is for the saints to rest in Jesus Christ.

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