Have We Missed the Point of 1 John? (Part 1)

October 19, 2022 00:34:10
Have We Missed the Point of 1 John? (Part 1)
Have We Missed the Point of 1 John? (Part 1)

Oct 19 2022 | 00:34:10


Hosted By

Jon Moffitt Justin Perdue

Show Notes

At Theocast, we get as many questions about 1 John as we do any book in the Bible. It is often a book that has been used to cause Christians to question whether they are really legitimate. But is that the reason John wrote the letter? In today's episode, the first of two episodes on 1 John, Jon and Justin give an overview of the letter and discuss the purpose for which the apostle wrote it.

Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin talk about how far removed we are from the historical context of 1 John--and why that matters. The guys also reflect further upon the apostle's gentle, pastoral, and reassuring tone in the letter.

Justin's sermon series on 1 John

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