Is the Whole Bible Really About Jesus?

June 16, 2021 00:44:17
Is the Whole Bible Really About Jesus?
Is the Whole Bible Really About Jesus?

Jun 16 2021 | 00:44:17


Hosted By

Jon Moffitt Justin Perdue

Show Notes

Is the whole Bible really about Jesus? Here at Theocast, we believe that it is. Jon and Justin consider the pattern of Jesus and the apostles with regard to how they understood the Bible. The guys consider typology and how it is useful in understanding the Scriptures--and biblicism and how it is not helpful.

Semper Reformanda: Justin talks about the thing that has most impacted his preaching. Jon and Justin then discuss how important it is to see that every promise of Scripture finds its fulfillment in Jesus.

Episode: Is Christ-Centered Preaching Dangerous?
"The Mystery of Christ, His Covenant & His Kingdom" by Samuel Renihan
"Preaching Christ in All of Scripture" by Edmond Clowney
"The Unfolding Mystery: Discovering Christ in the Old Testament" by Edmond Clowney

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