Gospel Power for the Weary

May 11, 2022 00:40:48
Gospel Power for the Weary
Gospel Power for the Weary

May 11 2022 | 00:40:48


Hosted By

Jon Moffitt Justin Perdue

Show Notes

In today's episode, Jon and Justin aim to have a pastoral conversation with two groups of people in view. First, those who are beat down and weary, who are seeking to find rest. And second, those who have found rest in Christ but still wrestle with what that rest means for their Christian lives. Where does the power for sanctification come from? What do we do now that we know Christ has done everything for our salvation?

Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin have a fun conversation about Jesus, calming down, assessing ourselves honestly, looking to God's Word, and loving our brothers and sisters. Resources:

Our episode on "How Pietism Ruins Good Works" https://youtu.be/19OhlchARt0
Our episode on "Your Sanctification Is Not for You?" https://youtu.be/nfDuTYz3pnA
Our episode on "Have We Missed the Point of Church?" https://youtu.be/JLHz0Cgga4s
Our episode on "What Is--and Is Not--the Gospel" https://youtu.be/NmrZA951WYU


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