Forgiveness for Homeschoolers and Hitlers

June 28, 2023 00:39:59
Forgiveness for Homeschoolers and Hitlers
Forgiveness for Homeschoolers and Hitlers

Jun 28 2023 | 00:39:59


Hosted By

Jon Moffitt Justin Perdue

Show Notes

In the church, we are to preach the gospel indiscriminately to all mankind. God is in the business of saving very sinful people, and if we’re honest, this can be hard for us. Alongside this, once we are saved into the church, we lock arms with other believers in order to live lives of faithfulness and holiness. Here is the rub: the church can be grossly misunderstood in both facets of its life--in both the free offer of Christ to sinners and in the practice of piety and discipline. Jon and Justin discuss all of this in today’s episode.

Semper Reformanda: In light of our understanding of the gospel and the need for compassion toward fellow sinners, Jon and Justin consider several questions: Should Christians be pacifists? What about the rule of law? Are we just enabling abusive behavior? The guys also talk about encountering harm and hatred for Christ’s name.


“The Whole Christ: Legalism, Antinomianism, and Gospel Assurance—Why the Marrow Controversy Still Matters” by Sinclair Ferguson

Our episode: Why the Gospel Terrifies Christians

Our episode: Who Does the Gospel Offend

Grace Reformed Network - Charter Meeting Information, October 2023

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