Often in the church, we try to figure out exactly what God is doing when we are going through difficult things. Simply put, we shouldn't do that. The secret things belong to the Lord, and we are not privy to the counsel of God when it comes to our suffering. In today's episode, Jon and Justin aim to point out things that God has clearly revealed and promised to us in his Word. We do have an unshakable hope in the Lord Jesus Christ, and this is what we cling to--in the midst of joy or pain.
Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin continue the conversation on suffering by considering less-than-good ways suffering is talked about and dealt with in the church. We have a gentle, patient, and merciful Savior. This should inform how we interact with one another in the midst of pain.
Our episode on "There Will Be Weakness"
Our episode on Two Kingdoms
Our episode on "The Quest for Religious Experience"
This is part 4 from our Introduction to Covenant Theology. In this class, this is our first of two sessions discussing the Covenant of...
What comes to mind when you think about God? Do you feel comfort, safety, and love, or do you wrestle with doubt, dread, and...
In today’s episode, Jon and Justin have another conversation related to end-times theology. This time, the guys consider the perspective that the church is...