Have We Missed the Point of Church?

November 10, 2021 00:46:33
Have We Missed the Point of Church?
Have We Missed the Point of Church?

Nov 10 2021 | 00:46:33


Hosted By

Jon Moffitt Justin Perdue

Show Notes

Have we missed the point of church? From a Reformed, confessional perspective, it seems we have. In short, the point of church is the forgiveness of sins, the declaration of righteousness on account of Christ, and the fellowship of the saints. If these things are rightly understood, the question, "Why do you need the church?", answers itself. Jon and Justin consider all of this and how the church is the way God sustains his people in this life.

Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin talk about plans for something called the Grace Reformed Network. The guys also consider more implications of a confessional perspective on church.

Episode: Pop Church Circus
Episode: Struggling with the Church

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