In today’s episode, Jon and Justin talk about the accusations of Satan that often go undetected. We are conditioned to think that the evil one’s accusations look a certain way, but he is subtle and deceitful. Just by virtue of the fact that we live in the world (which is influenced by Satan), there are ways we think that cause us to question our legitimacy at every turn.
Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin talk very personally about their own battles with shame and guilt that have nothing at all to do with what God has revealed in Scripture.
What comes to mind when you think about God? Do you feel comfort, safety, and love, or do you wrestle with doubt, dread, and...
Perfect love casts our fear. And certainly, the love of God for us is perfect. Yet, fear reigns often--in our hearts before God and...
What is the purpose of your sanctification? Who is it for? (Hint: It's not for you.) We survey a number of passages from the...