Does God really love me? If we’re honest, this is a question we all ask ourselves. Because of our sin, our consciences, and the assaults of the enemy, we often doubt whether God really does love us. Is he not frustrated, fed up, and displeased with us? Does God really delight to give us good gifts? Does he really delight to save us? Jon and Justin seek to answer these questions from Scripture in today’s episode.
Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin talk openly with the members about what keeps them going and also update the members on some exciting changes coming to Theocast!
If you are directed inwardly to find the comfort and assurance that Christ has saved you from your sin, you will be of all...
While on the west coast, Jon and Justin were invited by Chris Gordon (host of Abounding Grace Radio and pastor of Escondido United Reformed...
While on the west coast, Jon and Justin were invited by Chris Gordon (host of Abounding Grace Radio and pastor of Escondido United Reformed...