People often get the impression that being a disciple of Jesus is only for the strong. When it comes to discipleship, there is no room for fear or doubt. Is that the presentation of the gospel writers? Is that what we see in the New Testament epistles? Are followers of Jesus ever afraid? Do they doubt? Jon and Justin consider these things.
Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin discuss the apostle Paul and how he understood himself to be the foremost of sinners. And then the guys go on to talk about the corrosion in the local church that has contributed to saints living in fear and anxiety.
Episode: Discipleship is not about you
Episode: Take up your cross?
1689 LBC, Chapters 13 and 18
Giveaway: "A Place for Weakness" by Michael Horton
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If you want to make Christians feel badly about themselves, one question to ask is, “How is evangelism going?” Many Christians think the way...
Is your faith genuine? We all struggle. We all wrestle. We all doubt. That's part of what it means to be fallen, but this...
These are tumultuous times in the United States. Politics are dominating much of the public conversation. And evangelical leaders have made strong statements as...