We believe that all of the Bible--from Genesis to Revelation--is a testimony about Jesus. We believe there is law and gospel in the Old and New Testaments. These convictions are historical, confessional, Reformed convictions. Yet, many in our day get very nervous about seeing Christ in all of the Bible and of understanding the Scriptures in terms of law and gospel. Our fear is that, at the end of it, well-meaning people discourage the saints from seeing Christ for them in all of the Scriptures. Jon and Justin talk about this on today's episode.
Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin continue to talk (passionately) about the tendency of many to remove Jesus from many passages of the Bible. Then the guys talk about how effective the heralding of Christ actually is.
Introduction to Covenant Theology: https://youtu.be/iCfzmujnlHo
Desiring God Article: https://www.desiringgod.org/messages/exposition-or-imposition
The Master's Seminary Article: https://blog.tms.edu/is-christ-in-every-verse
Grace To You Article: https://www.gty.org/library/articles/A235/reexamining-the-eternal-sonship-of-christ
#reformedtheology #preachingChrist #theocast
There are a number of things discussed in the church as though they are part of the gospel--things like faith, repentance, obedience, and surrendering...
Are you a legalist or an antinomian? Most people would claim they are neither. But many Christians don't know what to do with God's...
Jon and Justin seek to answer the question, "What must I do to be saved?" This is a question that was posed to Jesus...