In listening to a lot of preaching today, it's clear that it's possible to talk about the gospel or even about the work of God without actually getting around to preaching the gospel itself—preaching Jesus Christ for sinners. This can happen with any number of passages, but today Jon and Justin are going to have a conversation about a well-known text: the interchange between Jesus and Nicodemus from John chapter three. There's a lot of truly epic content in this passage, including the sovereign grace of God, the work of God, and regeneration in the new birth. Unfortunately, the gospel message within this passage—the Son of Man being lifted up for us—is often not talked about enough. We hope this discussion is encouraging and clarifying for you.
In this episode, Jon and Justin talk about a passage of Scripture that is often misunderstood and misapplied: John 15. Jesus tells us if...
Jon and Justin follow up on the conversation last week about smuggling works into faith. Today's episode is a little different than the norm....
The Christian life is often depicted by American culture as one of prosperity and health, but more frequently, our pilgrimage through this fallen world...