Discovering the wonders of grace and freedom means realizing you no longer need to perform to earn acceptance—a liberating truth. However, in walking away from pietism, legalism, and revivalism, there’s a risk of overcorrecting and neglecting key aspects of the gospel, such as confessing sins and continuing to trust in Christ. Jon and Justin explore how deconstruction can unintentionally foster selfishness and discuss how to navigate this process in a healthy, gospel-centered way that leads to true transformation.
We live in a time where we’re prone to throw mud, be condescending, self-righteous, and accusatory, and we often misrepresent those with whom we...
For those of us who are feeling anxious, depressed, dark, and discouraged, this is a conversation for you. How do we take what we...
Life under the sun is often brutally hard. We live in a world where we bury our children. Only an insane person would look...