While on the west coast, Jon and Justin were invited by Chris Gordon (host of Abounding Grace Radio and pastor of Escondido United Reformed Church) to do some recording. This episode is the third portion of that conversation. The guys talk about what it’s like for an evangelical to walk into a confessional church. What is hard? What is confusing? Yet what is it that’s so attractive? What are pastoral concerns for those making the transition out of emotionalism?
Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin talk about differences between emotionalism and confessionalism--when it comes to corporate worship. In short, we come to receive from the Lord. What does that mean? What does that look like?
In this episode, the guys consider the distinction between the law and the gospel. God has revealed the law and the gospel in Scripture....
"Jesus-plus" theology has always been popular. People add things to the gospel and to Jesus in order to legitimize their Christian lives. Is Jesus...
How should we understand the callings of Christ? "Come follow me, take up your cross, forsake all, and hate yourself?" Are these law passages...