What Must I Do to Be Saved?

March 30, 2022 00:43:12
What Must I Do to Be Saved?
What Must I Do to Be Saved?

Mar 30 2022 | 00:43:12


Hosted By

Jon Moffitt Justin Perdue

Show Notes

Jon and Justin seek to answer the question, "What must I do to be saved?" This is a question that was posed to Jesus at numerous points. The apostles also addressed this question repeatedly. The guys consider two parables from the Lord Jesus: the Good Samaritan and the Rich Young Man; and also a passage from the apostle Paul: Romans 2:6-13. Reformed categories of law and gospel are essential if we are going to rightly understand these passages.

Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin consider how obedience is talked about in a context where law and gospel are confused. The guys talk about so much of what is preached is effectively easy-listening legalism and prosperity theology.

Our episode on What Is-and Is Not-the Gospel?
Our episode on Law/Gospel Distinction
Our episode on Why the Gospel Terrifies Christians

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