Jon and Justin seek to answer the question, "What must I do to be saved?" This is a question that was posed to Jesus at numerous points. The apostles also addressed this question repeatedly. The guys consider two parables from the Lord Jesus: the Good Samaritan and the Rich Young Man; and also a passage from the apostle Paul: Romans 2:6-13. Reformed categories of law and gospel are essential if we are going to rightly understand these passages.
Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin consider how obedience is talked about in a context where law and gospel are confused. The guys talk about so much of what is preached is effectively easy-listening legalism and prosperity theology.
Our episode on What Is-and Is Not-the Gospel?
Our episode on Law/Gospel Distinction
Our episode on Why the Gospel Terrifies Christians
In this episode, we talk about all the little "l" laws we place ourselves under in the New Year's season. There are a 1,000...
As a Christian, do you ever feel like you are on probation or even on parole? As though you've been set free from prison,...
In this episode, the guys talk about biblical counseling and the problem of pietism and hyper-introspection. We consider a confessional, Christ-centered approach to counseling...