The Insufficiency of Christ

April 28, 2021 00:40:50
The Insufficiency of Christ
The Insufficiency of Christ

Apr 28 2021 | 00:40:50


Hosted By

Jon Moffitt Justin Perdue

Show Notes

"Jesus-plus" theology has always been popular. People add things to the gospel and to Jesus in order to legitimize their Christian lives. Is Jesus really enough for us? Not just for our salvation, but for our Christian lives? Aren't there other things we need to be concerned for? Jon and Justin consider this and more.

Semper Reformanda: They guys begin by giving give more information about our plans for Semper Reformanda. And then, Jon and Justin talk about the woke church. Is the woke church preaching a different gospel? The guys also talk about marriage, complementarianism, and other things Christians tend to get worked up over.

"Ordinary" by Michael Horton
Is the Woke Church Movement a False Gospel? | ask Theocast
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