On today's episode, Jon and Justin are again joined by Pat Abendroth, pastor of Omaha Bible Church and cohost of The Pactum. In the second of two conversations on the covenant of works, the guys consider the implications of the covenant works. Does it really matter if one affirms the covenant of works? What are the dangers of denying it? In particular, the guys focus on how an understanding of the covenant of works relates to our understanding of the work of Christ, the gospel, and assurance of salvation.
Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin talk with Pat Abendroth about the wreckage produced by a denial of a covenant of works/covenant of grace framework. We see this wreckage all around us in our day.
Our teaching series on covenant theology
Our episodes on the implications of the covenant theology
Our episode "I Just Believe the Bible"
The Pactum Podcast
In this episode, Jon and Justin begin by answering a listener's question as to whether Roman Catholics can be saved. We then contrast Roman...
For many people, “Reformed” means “Calvinism.” While Calvinism is certainly a piece of Reformed theology, Reformed theology is much more than Calvinism. In this...
We are told in Scripture that Jesus is a sympathetic High Priest. But what does that mean? Does He feel with us? Does He...