The baptism debate. Typically, when we hear this, we cringe because it's not really done well; there are a lot of strawmen. We don't represent each other's side well, and it becomes heated and emotional. We don't want to do that today. We want to talk about the differences and where they stand biblically, and then why we would hold to a position known as the credo-baptist position: the 1689 Baptist view of baptism. Most of all, we pray that you're informed and encouraged. We love our brothers who are paedo-baptists, and we hope that comes out in this podcast.
Sam Renihan’s book, The Mystery of Christ, His Covenant & His Kingdom
Jewett’s book, Infant Baptist and the Covenant of Grace
VanDorn’s book, Waters of Creation
Nettles’s Article, Baptists and the Ordinances
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