Marks of a Strong Christian

June 30, 2021 00:43:28
Marks of a Strong Christian
Marks of a Strong Christian

Jun 30 2021 | 00:43:28


Hosted By

Jon Moffitt Justin Perdue

Show Notes

How would you describe a strong Christian? If you were to make a list of what characterizes a mature Christian, what would you put on that list? At Theocast, we are convinced that many would not answer these questions the way the apostles would have. As we look to the New Testament, what does it say about those who are strong in the church?

Semper Reformanda: The guys discuss parachurch ministries and how they have often contributed to the confusion about what characterizes a strong Christian. Then, we talk more about the necessity of ordinary faithfulness in loving the weak in the church.

Giveaway: "Spurgeon's Sorrows" by Zack Eswine


Scripture references:
Romans 15:1-4
Galatians 6:1-2
1 Thessalonians 5:14
Ephesians 4:1-3
Hebrews 3:15
John 13:34

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