In today’s episode, Jon and Justin talk about the end times. For many in the church, the conversation about last things--and the return of Christ--has been steeped in fear. The return of the Savior is presented as a frightful thing for the believer, and this is supposed to motivate us to action. The New Testament presentation is different. The return of Christ is meant to both give the believer hope and motivate us to action now.
Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin continue the conversation on last things by considering heavenly reward and a judgment according to works. The guys also touch on the “other-worldliness” of confessionalism.
Jon and Justin seek to answer the question, "What must I do to be saved?" This is a question that was posed to Jesus...
What is the difference between godliness and legalism? Sometimes, when people define godliness, they actually describe legalism or even pietism. Understanding this distinction is...
What comes to mind when you think about God? Do you feel comfort, safety, and love, or do you wrestle with doubt, dread, and...