When we preach the gospel, there are often objections. One of the most common is, "Yeah, but what about good works?" In this episode, Jon and Justin talk about good works from a confessional perspective. What are good works? Who and what are they for? Why do we do them? How do we do them? The guys answer these questions and consider how pietism has damaged our thinking about good works.
Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin consider how pietism has made us less effective in doing biblical good works for the good of neighbor and honor of God. The guys also talk about how the contemporary church has much more in common with the medieval church than many would like to admit.
Our book: Rest
What is Peitism?
Leaving pietism
Our episode on spiritual disciplines
Series on Spiritual Disciplines
Today's conversation is one that Jon and Justin wanted to have as they look at the broader Christian landscape. Even within their own churches,...
There are a number of things discussed in the church as though they are part of the gospel--things like faith, repentance, obedience, and surrendering...
On today's episode, Jon and Justin are joined by Pat Abendroth, pastor of Omaha Bible Church and cohost of The Pactum. In the first...