We all battle besetting, habitual sin. The normal experience of the Christian in this fallen world is to battle against the corruption of our flesh. This war will go on until we die or Christ returns. We struggle to process this battle, though. We are often discouraged. And the church hasn't always helped. In this episode, Jon and Justin have a historical, theological, and biblical discussion on the battle against the flesh and the hope of Christ.
Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin answer some potential objections. They also consider how the grace that justifies is the grace that sanctifies, as well as the Christian's need for the church.
Our video on habitual sin
Our episode on the cravings of the flesh
Our episode on pietism
Our episode on biblicism
Our episode on law/gospel
Our book on assurance, "Safe"
The objective in this episode is simple: to talk about the sufficiency of Jesus Christ and the rest he provides to sinners. In order...
What is the posture of Jesus toward those who trust him? In Matthew 11, Jesus invites the weary to come to him that they...
Jon and Justin have a conversation about our weakness, sex, and the gospel. (Parents: There is nothing graphic, but please be aware.) Our culture...