Are you a legalist or an antinomian? Most people would claim they are neither. But many Christians don't know what to do with God's law. Jon and Justin talk about the law and the gospel--and how it is Paul could say he delighted in God's law.
Members' Podcast: Jon and Justin talk about why it is that so many people leave legalism and head into antinomianism. They also give counsel to those leaving legalism and are wanting to help others do the same.
It is Reformation Week. And here at Theocast, in the tradition of the Reformation, we always seek to clarify the gospel. When we do,...
For many people, reading the Bible can feel like a burden. It seems that the whole conversation around Bible reading is riddled with guilt...
In this episode, the guys talk about feelings. Yes, that's right. At a prominent evangelical conference, John Piper said that it is futile to...